About Us
The Maize Maze Association (MMA) is the official body representing maize mazes in the UK and Ireland. It was established in 2009 to help maize maze operators grow better mazes and improve the maize maze experience for all visitors.
The Maize Maze Association (MMA) is the official body representing maize mazes in the UK and Ireland. It was established in 2009 to help maize maze operators grow better mazes and improve the maize maze experience for all visitors.
Each year the Maize Maze Association holds a conference where guest speakers present ideas for improving maize maze businesses and offer useful advice on making your maize maze a success. The annual conference also provides a fantastic networking opportunity to meet with maize maze operators and associated businesses.
The website www.maize-maze.com is the public face of the MMA providing a single point of reference for the maize maze industry. It has a comprehensive listing of all Maize Maze Association member's mazes and points potential visitors to their nearest maize mazes.
If you are maze operator and would like join the Maize Maze Association and be featured on this website please contact us via the contact us page.
Join the MMAThe Maize Maze Association is grateful to the following companies and organisations who through their membership support the MMA objectives.